Edit, Archive, or Update Job Post Status
Updated over a week ago

You can edit or update the status of your job post by clicking the (...) option menu to the right of the post.

Edit job

You can edit any details on your job post. If you already invited or interviewed an expert for the job, let them know you’re making changes. This can help prevent misunderstandings and save you time by ensuring that the expert is still interested in your updated job post.


If your plans have changed and you don't want to hire an expert, archive your job post.

We'll notify the experts who applied that you don't want to move forward with their proposal.

Mark job post as filled

If you've hired an expert and don't want to receive additional proposals, mark your job post as filled. We'll notify the other experts who applied that you don't want to move forward with their proposal.

Reopen job

If you change your mind and want to hire additional experts, reopen your job. You'll start to receive new proposals.

Want to make changes later in the process? You can revise your offer or edit an active engagement.

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