Once you have found the perfect expert and aligned with them on terms, send them an offer!
How to send an offer
Go to Manage Jobs
Select the expert you want to send an offer to
Click Send Offer
Create Work Agreement
Payment Option:
If Hourly, set:
Hourly Rate: rate expert will be paid per hour billed
Not to exceed: maximum total amount the expert could potentially bill over the entire engagement
Weekly hours: maximum hours the expert could potentially bill per week
If Fixed-payment, set:
Deliverable budget: fee you will pay for completed deliverable
Deliverable title
Deliverable description
Most Learnexus jobs are remote, but note the location if you require the expert to be on-site.
Start date:
This is the date you expect the expert to start work. If it's an hourly job, the expert can't log time until the start date.
End date:
This is the date you expect the expert to have completed the project. You can always extend the contract in the future.
PO number
If relevant, add a PO number.
What happens next
Your offer can be found in the Work Agreements tab. The terms can be reviewed there before or after your offer is accepted.
After you send an offer, an expert could:
Accept the contract, and you can schedule a meeting to kick off the project
Decline your offer
Message you to discuss changes to the terms
Each time you send an offer, the expert has 7 days to respond. If they take no action, the contract will be automatically rejected. You can confirm the status of your offer by going to Manage Jobs.
What to do if your offer was declined
If the expert declined your offer, send them a message to understand why and align on agreeable terms. Once you have finalized the terms, you can send a revised offer.
Go to Manage Payments
Click on Work Agreements
Click Revise on the proposal that was rejected
If you aren't able to align on agreeable terms, consider other candidates. If you need help hiring the right expert, contact our team.
How to revise or withdraw an offer
You can edit an offer before an expert accepts. To revise your offer:
Go to Manage Payments > Work Agreements
Click edit on the proposal
You can withdraw an offer before an expert accepts. Email our team at [email protected] to withdraw your offer.
Need to make changes to an active contract? Edit active contracts.